Seaweed is a healthy, edible algae.
It belongs to the class of brown
which are distinguished by a
set of useful micro-elements
and nutrients.
What is included in the composition of seaweed?
- A full set of macro- and micro-elements such as phosphorus, sodium, iron, magnesium, iodine;
- All vitamins from group B, as well as large quantities of Vitamin E, A, C and D. Vitamins and micro-elements in seaweed are several times higher than in other products.
- Natural enterosorbents are called "Alginates". These are intended to rid the body of toxins, ions, radionuclides and pathogenic bacteria.
- Sterols, prevent the accumulation of excess cholesterol and dilute the blood, thereby reducing vascular thrombosis;
- An organically bound form of iodine maintains the balance of this element in the body;
- Dietary fibre, pectins, help improve the functioning of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract;
- Fatty acids prevent the appearance of atherosclerosis in old age;
- Proteins, the most useful amino acids for the body;
- High-molecular-weight polysaccharides that normalise metabolism, monitor cholesterol levels, water and salt balance, and prevent blood clots from forming.
Useful properties of seaweed
Seaweed is used for the treatment of the following diseases:
- Intoxication;
Laminaria is one of the most iodine-rich foods that helps to remove harmful substances from the body, including lead and heavy metals.
- Diseases of the thyroid gland;
Iodine has a good effect on the condition of the thyroid gland, in particular, it treats endemic goiter, hyperthyroidism, and Basedova disease.
- Prevention of oncology;
Scientists explain the low incidence of breast cancer in Japanese women by the constant presence of seaweed in their diet.
- Constipations and metabolic disorders;
Laminaria can heal chronic anatomical constipation by making an infusion with dry powder or crushed seaweed. Seaweed, due to its safe and gentle effect on the intestines, is able to painlessly remove stagnant formations from it and, in general, has a beneficial effect on the entire digestive process.
- Obesity;
Valuable algae is a very low-calorie, dietary product, 100 g of it contains only 5.4 kcal. It promotes weight loss by filling the stomach and causing a feeling of satiety. In addition, it absorbs fluids and fills the intestines, breaking down fat cells. All this makes it possible to successfully use it to reduce excess weight and in the fight against cellulite.
- Vitamin deficiency or reduced immunity;
Seaweed is used as an effective means of getting rid of a sore throat, and as a good remedy for strengthening immunity, which, as you know, stands to protect our body from colds and infections.
- Atherosclerosis, the risk of thrombosis and an increase in bad cholesterol;
Useful properties of sea kale are used for prevention and additional treatment for atherosclerosis. If you include seaweed in your daily menu, then excess cholesterol will no longer be deposited on the walls of blood vessels and will be excreted from the body.
- Anemia;
Laminaria contains in its composition such a useful substance as laminin, which has the ability to normalize blood pressure.
- Stress, loss of strength, depression;
Dry seaweed infusion can be used for prolonged stress. Due to the composition rich in bromine and vitamins of group B, seaweed calms and normalizes the nervous system.
- Memory impairment;
Laminaria has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, makes the body's performance higher and makes a person stronger mentally and physically.
- Boosts libido;
It has been proven that laminaria is a powerful aphrodisiac, it is able to treat diseases that are related to hormones.It also helps to maintain tone and act as a preventive measure against female diseases – inflammation of the appendages, uterine diseases and trichomonas colpitis.
For preventive purposes, it is enough to eat 2
teaspoons of dry seaweed per day. You
can drink infusions from it, add it as a
healthy seasoning to soups, sauces, salads,
vegetable purees, after grinding it into powder.
Who should not eat seaweed?
Laminaria is contraindicated for those who are allergic to iodine.It is not recommended to eat it and take it in powder form for pregnant women suffering from urticaria, rhinitis, acne and furunculosis. People who shouldn't eat seaweed include those suffering from nephritis, tuberculosis, stomach and intestinal diseases in the acute stage, hemorrhoids, nephrosis and any other renal diseases.
What sort of seaweed is not recommended to eat?
Pickled and canned seaweed is not recommended – it contains unhealthy supplements, that’s why it’s hard to call it healthy. For this reason, we recommend to buy dried seaweed, sold in pharmacies. It can be of different types: plates, briquettes, crushed, and powder, as well. During production, moisture is extracted, and all necessary vitamins and micro-elements are completely preserved