What is kelp wrap
Laminaria wrapping is a popular procedure that has a positive effect on the state of the body. After several sessions, the skin tightens, its tone is restored, cellulite disappears and stretch marks decrease.
This is not a harmless procedure, so you should
carefully familiarize yourself with the subtleties
of the process. Only with careful preparation
and compliance with all recommendations, you will
see a positive result from the sessions.
For cosmetic procedures, unique brown algae are used, which are called laminaria. Due to its rich composition of useful substances, it is added to various creams, tonics and skin masks.
Laminaria contains:
- Alginates;
They rid the body of toxins and help fight tumors.
- Vitamins;
Seaweed contains vitamins B1, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, E, H, K, PP. Their deficiency affects the overall health and condition of the skin.
- Polyunsaturated fatty acids;
These substances regulate the functioning of the nervous and immune systems. They normalize lipid metabolism, help reduce blood pressure, and also improve hormone production.
- Iodine;
Laminaria contains large quantities of the organic form of iodine. It is assimilated by our body.
- Micro-elements;
Seaweed contains a lot of sodium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, iron and phosphorus. Their deficiency worsens the condition of the skin.
What type of laminaria is used for wrapping?
There are two types of laminaria used for wraps.
- Leafy. It looks like whole dehydrated leaves that are neatly packed.Laminaria leaf wraps are done on the whole body or on large areas. Regularity - several times a week. Seaweed leaves are not suitable for the preparation of multicomponent compositions.
- Algae powder ("micronized algae"). For wraps with a composition of several components, laminaria is required in powder. In this form, it is easy to mix it with other substances. The powder is easy to apply to the skin, the composition lies in a smooth layer. However, it can be applied only once and this is the main drawback.
Laminaria wrapping gives a stunning effect in all areas of the body that need correction, accelerates skin regeneration, contributes to its tightening, increases elasticity.
How is laminaria wrapping useful?
Laminaria wrapping helps:
- To stimulate skin regeneration;
- Make stretch marks less noticeable;
- Keep the vessels toned;
- Get rid of extra pounds;
- Prevent the occurrence of varicose veins;
- Reduce the “Orange peel”.
Contraindications to the procedure
As with any cosmetic manipulation, laminaria wraps have limitations. Before starting the session, you need to make sure that you do not have an individual intolerance to the components of the composition used.
The main contraindications for the procedure:
- Allergic reactions, particularly to iodine;
- Arterial hypertension;
- Pregnancy and lactation;
- Varicose veins;
- Skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis);
- General malaise (weakness, fever);
- Oncological diseases;
- Skin lesions (wounds, burns);
- Irritations (for example, after epilation);
- Diabetes.
It is not advisable to do the procedure on damaged skin, otherwise you may get a burn. In case of problems with blood vessels, diseases of the circulatory system, hot wraps should not be carried out.
How to do a hot laminaria wrap
Before any cosmetic procedure, it is necessary to prepare the skin. First you need to take a shower to cleanse the skin. Any type of procedure can be carried out at home. The following is a technique for carrying out hot wrapping with whole leaves of seaweed.
You need to take 20-150 grams of laminaria in dry form. Pour the algae with hot water in a proportion of 1: 1 and mix the solution. Let the laminaria brew for 30 minutes. When the mixture becomes sticky-wet, you can start the procedure.
In problem areas you need to apply sheets of seaweed, wrap them with a cling film. Applying algae will require some effort from you, because laminaria can stick, lie unevenly.
At the end of the procedure, take a contrast shower to get rid of algae and tone the body.
How to do a cold laminaria wrap
Before the procedure, be sure to scrub the skin. Take 100 grams of whole seaweed leaves and dip them in cold water and soak for up to 40 minutes. Then apply laminaria to the skin. Take a warm shower at the end of the procedure .
Add other substances to seaweed to
enhance its medicinal properties.
Listed below are the most popular
kelp wrap recipes.
Laminaria + cosmetics clay
- Clay (white, black, green, blue, pink) - 100 g;
- Powdered laminaria – 100 g;
- Oils: olive oil – 1 tsp., peppermint oil - 20 drops, rose oil -10 drops.
Prepare the algae by soaking them with warm water before the procedure. Dilute the clay with a heated liquid. Combine the components and mix well. Apply the product to the problem area of the skin. After an hour, wash off with warm water, without using cosmetics.
Laminaria + coffee
- Ground coffee – 100 g;
- Laminaria in powder - 100 g.
Mix the ingredients to a homogeneous consistency, apply to the skin. Insulate. The duration of the action is 40 minutes. The frequency of the procedure is once a week.
Laminaria + honey
- Laminaria leaves – 100 g;
- Honey – 2 tbsp.
Soak the laminaria leaves in advance. Heat honey in a water bath. Mix the ingredients and rub into the cellulite-affected areas. Wrap with a cling film. After an hour, wash off the composition with warm water. The procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a week.
Laminaria + sea salt
- Laminaria in powder – 200 g;
- Sea salt – 100 g;
- Avocado oil – 3 tbsp.;
- Vitamin Е – 1 capsule.
Mix the components and apply them in circular movements to the problem area of the skin. Wrap the top with a cling film, cover with a warm blanket for 30 minutes. If unpleasant tingling occurs, stop the procedure and wash off the active composition.
Laminaria + cocoa + red pepper
- Cocoa – 3 tbs.;
- Laminaria in powder – 400 g;
- Red pepper – 3 tsp.;
- Olive oil – 2 tbsp.
Mix the powdered components and insist for half an hour in 1 liter of hot water. Add red pepper and oil. Apply the mix to the skin and wrap in a cling film. Insulate. The exposure time should not exceed 15 minutes. Such a laminaria wrap is especially effective for fighting against cellulite.
Laminaria + vinegar
- Shredded laminaria thallus - 200 g;
- Apple cider vinegar – 1tbs.;
- Oils: olive oil – 1tbs., peach oil – 1tbs.
Mix the ingredients, heat slightly. Moisten cotton strips or an elastic bandage in the composition. Wrap the problem areas of the skin. Cover the body with a cling film. Insulate and keep the composition for about an hour.
On our website you can buy a hot anti-cellulite wrap with red pepper, ginger, seaweed and grapefruit extract.
It helps:
- To restore skin elasticity, tone and healthy appearance;
- Remove toxins and excess fluid from the skin;
- Increase blood flow, activate metabolism in subcutaneous adipose tissue.